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Cobolli Tennis

Rising Italian Tennis Star Flavio Cobolli Makes Strides

Meet the 21-Year-Old Ranked 62nd in the World

Flavio Cobolli's Journey to Success

Flavio Cobolli, a rising star in the world of tennis, has recently achieved a career-high ranking of 62nd, just one spot off his best-ever performance. The 21-year-old Italian is making waves in the sport, showcasing his exceptional talent and determination.

As the fifth seed in the Jeddah Challenger, Cobolli emerged as one of the top contenders in the 21-and-under event. His impressive performance at the recent tournament highlights his continued rise in the rankings.

Cobolli is poised to face Rafael Nadal, the legendary Spanish tennis player, in the first round of the Barcelona Open. This highly anticipated matchup will test Cobolli's skills against one of the greatest players of all time.
